OH my word, I can’t believe that it’s St. Patricks Day again! We have really lived in this house for a year. I have many CLEAR memories of this time last year. INCLUDING, when the kids set up a trap for the leprechaun. This year they set him us to get stuck in the Microwave, which they made to look like a “Leprechaun Hotel.” They set it up with Karl while I was at young Women’s. When I got home I was VERY impressed.

When I woke up that morning, I did my WORDLE, and I tried to get cute with Lucky, but had no…LUCK.

By the time I got downstairs breakfast was already made, and the kids told me all the Leprechaun news! Apparently, Luna had knocked over the trap before he could even get there. He left a note:

It said he left them a treat here:

Breakfast was delicious. Scrambled green eggs, ham steak, and pistachio bread.

The kids quickly got dress and ready. It was spring picture day, post on that to follow.

Today was a total shuffle. I took the kids to school, and needed to be there to get them photographed together. They were late, so I did my volunteering, then helped the kids get their pictures. THEN I went over to see Kristin Beckstead, we had a great walk around the neighborhood together, then I hustled over to Macies to get a few last minute things for dinner: golden pineapple, and green bread. When I picked up the bread, a very festive employee gave me it to me.

Even my Pikman were festive:

Dinner was quiet and a little rushed. Karen and Krysta were able to squeeze us in between Karen’s guitar lessons and volleyball game.

Dinner was lovely and traditional.

We went to Karen’s game…

AND, I walked a ton. I was hustling today!