Coming out of the house on the first of July the sky was full of balloons!
It was meant to be, it was a sign, we had to go down to the balloon festival in Provo.
It was meant to be, it was a sign, we had to go down to the balloon festival in Provo.

At 6:30 AM in the morning the day before Independence day we loaded to sleepy unsuspecting babies into the car. We didn’t tell them where we were going.q2
When we arrived Mirah was stoked.
And so was I! Lucas was still tired and shocked.
Then more and more balloons began to inflate.
While we were wondering around looking at different balloons one man saw Mirah’s interest and let her come up and have a closer look. He explained the mechanisms. How the propane has gas that can be lit. The heated air fills the balloon, and is lighter than the cooler air outside of the balloon. She was very interested.
We asked him how he got into it. He said he was born into it. His father was the main pilot. They had come all the way from Washington. It was the furthest they had ever some for a balloon rally before. He met his wife doing rallys. She had an uncle who was into hot air balloons. And that is how she got into it.
The launches were delayed due to potential bad weather. It was still only 7:15 AM, we were all hungry. So we went to the Kiwanas pancake breakfast.
It was a pretty good breakfast. We got unlimited pancakes, a big slice of ham, banannas, juice, milk. It was great.
Lucas was pretty stoked on his juice.
Right as we were finishing breakfast, the first couple balloons finished inflating and ready to take off. So we wrapped it up and headed back to the field.
They had been cleared for the whether.
It was so exciting to see all the balloons fill up.
You can hear Lucas say, “Oh!”
Family Photos!
This green balloon belongs to the man that gave us a closer look!
Kids live in action.
Cuties Lucas just couldn’t get enough.
It was a hour after our arrival that the first balloon took off.
This green one with white geometric patterns is that fully inflated balloon of our friends from Washington.
Smokey the bear face down.
They were so close together, it was nuts.
One of the groups gave out little cars, Mirah was STOKED.
Me and my boy!!!
Smokey was up!!
As was this crazy clock! They had an overflow field across the street.
As the sun came over the mountains more and more balloons were floated away.
It was time for Karl to go to work. So we headed home.
Not surprisingly the kids got home, laid down, and passed out. So did I.
I fell asleep and was started awake at 10 AM. Oh what a morning.