Rat Fink[1] is one of the several hot rod characters created by artist Ed “Big Daddy” Roth, one of the originators of Kustom Kulture of automobile enthusiasts. Roth conceived Rat Fink as an anti-hero answer to Mickey Mouse. Rat Fink is usually portrayed as either green or gray; comically grotesque and depraved-looking with bulging, bloodshot eyes, an oversized mouth with sharp, narrow teeth, and wearing red overalls with the initials “R.F.” on them. He is often seen driving cars or motorcycles.[2]

Ed Roth is from Manti Ut.
Zac was a big fan as a kid. They have an annual reunion for his motor cycle friends and Rat Fink enthusiasts. It takes place in two locations. At Ed Roth’s house in Manti, where there is a shop and museeum. Then the second is the classic car and bike show at the city park.
Here we were at Roth’s home.
A fun group parked out front.
Mirah with a Garden Rat Fink.
Here in front of the house.
With a banner of reunion shirts.
Inside the museum.
Lots of Christmas Rat Fink stuff.
Karl in front of the actual workshop where Roth worked.
Mirah with Rat Fink himself.
Karen very excited by this pinstriped guitar.
R.F spiked motor cycle helmets.
What’s up mom?
All the different silk screens from each year’s reunion shirt.
Karen, Mirah, and Story looking at a Rat Fink themed birthday cake.
After checking out all of the memorabilia, we headed over to the shop to see t-shirts, stickers, and patches.
Even shoes and statues.
Someone was even pulling thier baby around in this wagon they made.
They had a cool Rat Fink kid zone.
Zac and Logan.
fitting in with their vests and shirts.
Mirah and Karen in their new matching shirts.
Off the car show and the food trucks.
It was so hot.
But the food was good, and the company was even better.
After a quick lunch we went and checked out the cars.
and bikes.
A Wooden Modle T truck!
An amazing car made of a wheel barrow and shovel.
Home, tired.
Karen slept over.