Mirah’s birthday is in a week, and Aunt Belle had a sweet and generous and marvelous idea. She wanted to take Mirah on a Lady Date. So after school on Thursday she came and picked up Mirah.
She gave Luke a few cuddles before getting into the car:
With out further ado they were off!!
The rest of the pictures were from Belle. I told her before she left that she had to take LOTS of pictures. So she did.
Frist stop was lunch. Mirah said her favorite place to eat was “chicken stars” or Carl’s Junior. So sweet and generous Chelsea took her there.

Mirah played in the play place.
Her kids meal arrived. And she got her chicken stars.
The got busy biting them in to silly shapes like a crown.
And a boomerang.
Next stop: the mall!
Mirah needed to get into that fountain!
Chelsea’s philosophy for this trip was to do everything that she would have loved to do as a 13 year old girl alone at the mall. So a stop at claire’s.
A stop at Bath and Body Works to try all of the body sprays.
Then a fashion show at H&M.
Aunt Belle even bought her a special birthday outfit!
Then of course the Disney Store, where she got Mirah this wonderful Moana dolly.

Then of course a treat at the food court!
Back outside to enjoy the sunshine.
Since Mirah is only 4 (almost 5) so they took a trip to the play place at the mall.
Hugging a bear.
AHHHHH what a day. Mirah has been talking about their “lady date” all day, and is just so happy.
Here she is with her new best buddy, so happy and tired at the end of the day.
SO thankful for her Aunt today. I love my sister Chelsea. She is just so generous and wonderful. I am so glad these little ladies love each other so much.