Winter holidays have kept us busy over here at the Pipkin Hite House!
Martine Luther King Day
We put up a flag, and talked about being kind to people, even if they are different than us.
Mirah made this in her class that week:
We had our Chocolate bar train candy left over from Christmas, so we made dragons out of them to celebrate.
My sample dragon.
While the girls kept busy with that Karl and Krysta made buns!
Cilantro Chicken and Korean BBQ Pork.
They don’t look too handsome, they tasted SUPER good.
The girls dragons.
Ladybug in the bathroom
I don’t know why, but every winter I find a lady bug in my house. This time, on my shampoo bottle.
Groundhog Day
We rang in Karl’s half birthday with a special dinner and no dessert.
Well, we had a sweet family group chat while we watched ground hog day together.
My favorite moment this time around:
“He could be okay”
“Maybe not now.”
“He was a really great guy. I really liked him. A lot.
Making Valentines
We have been in full valentines day mode at the house. we made tons of home made goodies and some store bought stuff too.

Mirah was in her element and in total heaven.
Abraham Lincoln