Halloween, one of our favorite days of the year!
He was in love with it imidiately and loved to carry it around all morning.
With in minutes of getting it he had bitten off one of the eyes. Which I sewed back on during nap time. (By the end of the night, he would have bitten off the other eye too, which I sewed back on later too. That’s how he showes his love for things, he loves then to death.
We picked Mirah up from Preschool where they had a Halloween party!
They went trick or treating around the preschool to all of their teachers, and the dance cloths shop, and the main office.
It was quite a party complete with spooky vampire donuts!

And crafts.
And of course amazing costumes.
Mirah’s costume was pretty happy and excited after a fun party day.
After preschool, we went trick or treating at Macy’s
Lucas was pretty stinking cute.
My little Eevee.
He was pretty quiet and tired. I would later find out it was because he was feeling sick.
We trick or treated to all of the different departments, and ever took part in the Halloween games they had going on at the store. We even found a witch balloon.
We brought our prize up to the costumer service desk.
They gave us a cookie. That Mirah just put into her basket.
After that we went and met up with the Whitmores to trick or treat down town Provo.
So guess who Karen is this year???
That’s right, Marcelene, The Vampire Queen.

Look at these little ladies.
Look at that Base Ax!!!
Our first and favorite stop:
Pioneer books:
and our free book!!
My perfect little VEPOREON lady love.
The girls were excited to get some candy and getting going.
Lucas was still a bit out of sorts, but cute and happy to be with his love, Krysta.
We lined up outside city hall to get some sweet treats.
These kids.
After a bit of a wait and a photo shoot, we got our treats and were on out way.
With creepy see through vampire teeth.
The only candy Lucas had.
With Zac.
It was at this point that Belle and Adam met up with us.
With Prince
Ariel said she was good friends with all of the sea creatures.
My view.
These two girls stickin’ together.
Uncle Adam, helping out.
It was getting late and we were getting hungry. We Krysta and Zac picked up some pizza from Two Jacks and I took the kids home.
On our way home suddenly and unexpectedly, Lucas Puked. All over his costume. All over he car seat, and while I pulled over and was cleaning him up, all over me.
Halloween ended abruptly for little Lucas.
While Karl bathed him, and after we ate, we went to our neighborhood old folks community.
Yep we saw these wonderful people, and they LOVED to say hi to the kids.
After that, Karl and Zac took the girls around the neighborhood.
When they got back…
There was a lot of candy.
Like three huge gallon bags full of candy.
It was late…so Mirah took another blue bath.
And yes, on a school night, we stayed up late and watched a fun Halloween movie.
Monster House!

NONE of us had a hard time going to bed that night.
SUCH a wonderful day.