Every year, the Monday before Halloween, we carve pumpkins for FHE.
This year we had the Whitmores over to carve and play with us!
Lucas was really into getting those seeds out.
We had the Halloween classic Hocus Pocus on while we carved.
I was having a rough time cutting with my huge knife.
My pumpkin.
Karl’s little pumpkin face.
Luke’s pumpkin.
He picked the shapes, and dad cut them out for him.
Luke likes his pumpkin.

Mirah and her pumpkin.
When we were done carving pumpkins we had a little pie! The Whitmores went to the Village Inn and got us some fancy pie!
Pumpkin and Apple with ice cream!
The girls loved it.
So did Luke
We finished the movie!
I love this movie.
And we of course got some pictures of our pumpkins.
It had been rainy all day, and was still raining all night.
Karl took our picture.