This is was a massive pit of corn looks like right up close. It is hypnotic. I was to squeeze it and eat it all at the same time.
Me and my baby girl.

Where are we???
McCords Garden Center in Provo for our annual visit for their corn maze! We were going to check out another maze this year, but we got excited and decided to go here again this year.
Lucas was mesmerized by the corn.
Karl was loving it.
Where did this lovely little lady come from? She is just so wonderful!
Lucas was confused about all of it.
We went to the corn cannons!
Maryn look like a real assassin.
Karl next.
Belle thought it was too loud.
After all of that corn cannon shooting, I hit a sweet target by the way, we jumped on the hey ride!
We got going and Lucas was…scared?
Such a lovely evening.
These two cuties.
And his ear.
After the corn maze we went over to our house and watched Harry and the Hendersons.
We did eye masks while we watched the movie.
Fun family night!