It’s funny, I started my blog when we moved to Utah, after Elder Ballard invited us to share who we are with the world online. So those early years have fallen to the dust mostly.
Still I have so much photo documentation of that time I am starting a new blog to look back on those years: ak hite early years. It’s called Allie and Karl the Early Years. And although I am sure that this short 10 years of our potentially many more years together may also fall in the category of “early years” those years are earlier than today, and just seem SO long ago. As of when I am posting this blog I haven’t finished any of my posts, but I have 10 that I am working on and there will be content there soon.
Still I have so much photo documentation of that time I am starting a new blog to look back on those years: ak hite early years. It’s called Allie and Karl the Early Years. And although I am sure that this short 10 years of our potentially many more years together may also fall in the category of “early years” those years are earlier than today, and just seem SO long ago. As of when I am posting this blog I haven’t finished any of my posts, but I have 10 that I am working on and there will be content there soon.
THIS post, is an abridged version of a post I will soon publish there called Our Wedding Day.
This post here, is just mostly to feel the nostalgia of years of being married to someone. Looking at these picutres and vidoes makes my heart, I don’t know feel so many things.
Like here is a picture of the two of us that used to be the picture of Karl’s old cellphone.
It was a Moto Razor and at the time I remember being in awe and so jealous of Karl for having such an awesome phone.
The day before our wedding Karl got in a dumb motorcycle accident and did all of this to himself:
Then the video of Karl telling me all about it.
We drove to the temple together early the next morning.
While sifting through photos I foudn these pictures of my mission companions:
And friends, looking like babies.
Grandma. Looking SO young and healthy.
Chelsea and her blood eye.
I remember meeting with Karl inside the temple in a big room right before we came out. He said, “You look so beautiful.”

Duckie face, before it was called Duck face.
The wind suddenly picked up and my veil…
Mom lookling lovely. And, some how she looks thinner and younger than ever now!
Grandma Neal was there too.
Look at this group of babies!
The Hite family in 2006. LOTS has changed.
All the siblings.
Everyone looking like babies.
The Pipkin Family 2006. As a reminder, Brandon was on his mission still here. But I thought about him all day.
Our “kissing” picture. I hate kissing pictures. Karl knew this. So he kissed me so no one else could see 😉 It looks a little nuts.
Now I am feeling like this must have been someone else. In anther lifetime.
Where is my Mirah? Where is Lucas?
These poor dumb kids had no idea.
And in 10 years from now, I am sure I will be saying the same thing to me, Allison in 2016.