As a mom, you come last. Your kids come first, according to disaster and urgency. Then your spouse, you love them so much and just to be happy. Then you. Mom’s come last.
This fact was especially evident this week when I went to the doctor. I couldn’t find sitter, not preschool, so I had both of my kiddos to cart around with me to the doctors office.
There was a bit of a wait that day.
And these kids were having a tough time waiting.
Lucas kept crawling under chairs. Mirah needed to pee. Then Lucas wanted to hang out with reception. When we did get called back and I was getting weighed, Lucas ran down the hall and into another patient’s room. A nurse brought him out. She was smiling, but you could tell…
Anyway, back in the room I filled out a paper. Mirah and Lucas were now caged, in a room full of hazards. I spent most of my time on the floor.

Lucas was going nuts.
Mirah climbed up onto the table.
She thought she was hilarious.
Love these crazy kids.