On Friday evening, after hanging with Maryn and Cruise, we drove out to the airport, and picked up this guy! I love this guy. I know it was just a couple of nights but we missed him.

We had planned to go to dinner in down town SLC as a family and maybe do something down town. But right as we were crossing into downtown looking for a restaurant from the air port, we passed a train station. Nick was standing there on the phone. We waved as we passed, and we weren’t sure if he saw us so we called him. We offered him a ride home, and he took it.
We were a tin of sardines on our way to their house.
I like being squished in the back with these kiddos.
My cuties.
We decided to go to Cubby’s for dinner, and the kids attacked Karl.
They really missed him.
This little guy was especially happy. He is so little, but he really missed his dad.
The Reddoch’s got dinner there too, and we ate at their house.
This little lady, was happy to eat the leftovers of Lucas’s hot dog bun.
We left late, dropped Betsy off at their local Station to pick up the car and ended up back at home after 10. It was a late night, but a happy day. So glad Karl is home.