To celebrate Pioneer day I love to do the Temple to Temple run in Provo. I think this is the 4th year they have done it, and this is my 3rd time.
So bright and early on Monday July 25th, the day after Pioneer day, we were outside of the Provo temple, ready to go!
The streets were PACKED with people.
When I say we, I mean myself and my dear friend Kami.
There were so many people we couldn’t even get close enough to get a picture of the temple.
They announced the start, the gun went off, and we waited and waited to get going.
We finally got close enough, and we had to take a running picture.
The greatest thing about this run, it was ALL downhill.
Passing the stadium
And bobs your uncle, we arrived at the Provo temple.
With a finishing time of 54:02! Haha, so good.
Kami and I in front of Provo City Center Temple.
So much fun! Love this girl and this run!