Our last morning in our air B&B we slept in. The day before had been so exhausting and long, and we didn’t really have anything big we wanted to do but get to the boat.
We took the opportunity to Skype with these faces!!!
Look at that face! Look at those lips. I just wanted to kiss him!
Look at those brown eyes. I missed him SOOOOO badly.
This was on a tree outside the place. I think it was there to help us find our door.
After getting all packed up, we got on a bus that took us all the way to the end of the line. The stop was a block away from the port. The ship was a little bit of a walk from the port to the ship. Luckily there was already a trolley there waiting for us.
It looks farther than it was.
We dropped off our bags, then headed to check in.
There were a lot anxious looking people in white shirts guiding us in.
With very little trouble, we got through check in.
And we were getting on the ship.
After hours of sleeping and sun bathing, we got hungry.

We got changed, and unpacked our bags.
Then we went to the Sail Away party on the main deck!
This one of a couple of pools. It was much smaller than it looked in pictures.
And we danced together as we sailed away.
We went to dinner in the dining room, and came back with our first night’s towel on our bed.
We decided to take another swim in the back pool.
And soaked in the hot tub as the light faded.
We grabbed a late night pizza. And watched a movie, while planning the next day.
We saw a show.
The moon was so bright I felt like I could touch it. It seriously looked like I light, like a spotlight.