So Mirah has continued to color on our new fireplace chalkboard.
Today she drew a family portrait.
Top Row: “Dad, me, Lucas and Mom.”
I asked, “Who is that big one?”
Mirah answered, “It’s Grandma Pippy!”
I said, “Oh, cool, are her eyes like that because she wears glasses?”
She said, “No. Those are her eye holes, you know this part of your eye is a hole.”
Then pointed to her eye ball and got really close to my face so she was sure that I knew what she meant.
Her name is also really coming along. Cutely.
My little buddy.

This chalkboard thing is starting to translate to drawing in the dirt on our car…
She has also had a bunch of generous friends who have given her necklaces and bracelets over the past couple of weeks.
Princess Mirah loves to wear all of them.
All at once.