So this is the tree. The Anti giving tree in our front yard. After living with it for a year, the time had come to cut it down.
In the fall it drops a million long sharp needles. You can see here.

In the spring time it drops this filmy yellow pollen as well as millions of these:
In the fall it drops a million long sharp needles. You can see here.

In the spring time it drops this filmy yellow pollen as well as millions of these:
The fall, and break apart and fill out flower beds, lawns, and lawn as well as all of the cracks of the side walks.
In the summer start the pine cones, thousands of them. We have filled green bin after green bin. The dropping begins to slow in the fall, but as you can see we still have lots of them.
You can see it leaking down the tree. It drops down in big patties and onto your head and cloths when you stand under the tree. It gets onto cars that park under it and is just a nuisance.
We had some friends in the ward who had agreed to help us cut the tree down. karl trimmed some branches the night before. He blocked parts of the street to get ready to cut the beast down.
We had the Elder’s and the Priest’s Quorum signed up to help out.
So at 7:00 AM on Halloween morning we get to work.
I got three dozen dounuts juice and milk set out for all of the men and youth. I got Krispy Kreme, hot, since it was such a cold morning.
This is our friend Doug.
His dad owns and run a tree trimming business. He grew up helping out and has cut down lots of trees. Including another tree on our property with the family that lived in our house right before we bought the place.
Giving instructions to the priests.
He started by cutting out a big notch out of the one side of the tree.
Karl and Lucas looking on.
Doug’s wife Kami. She likes Luke. She is also my visiting teacher.
It took a minute, but we got the notch out.
Waitng and ready…
It took about 5 minutes of cutting along the other side of the tree and then….
Down she went.
Pretty gnarly looking.
The brethren and youth.
Once the picture was taken they took to work cutting off the branches.
Brother Campbell brought his trailer. He took two loads to the dump for us. SO awesome of him.
They made easy work of it.
The tree in the road.
Brother Paul Pitcher, from the Elder’s Quorum.
Brother Brent Campbell. His wife Allison is the YW president. She and I serve together there and I really like their family.
They got all of the branched off in less that 25 minutes.
Load one.
Chopping the big log was the thing that took all the time.
Kami and Doug…the angels who made this happen.
Some really fun slices of wood.
At the base of the tree, we counted something like 45 rings. It was an old tree.
Lucas tuckered out after about an hour so we got him all bundled.
Mirah slept through the whole thing. Still in mouse make up from the Qualtirics Halloween party. excited by all of the people.
Her special Halloween doughnut.
She watched from the window.
Doug chopping down and through some piles of branches.
We started the clean up as soon as the branches were all loaded.
Thankfully at this point brother Gray brought Archer and Magus over and they worked as out needled compactors.
They took their payment.
Everyone who helped was able to leave with a bunch of wood to take home for their fire places.
The scouts took an entire trailer away with them.
In the end we filled 4 garbage cans.
All the was left was a stump.
And the sap…
Everyone was gone and we were all done working before 10:00 AM. What a view.