So we FINALLY got a nice big dump of snow this weekend. And we took full advantage of it. We knew it could be our last good snow of the season, so we got out and played!
Lucas in his new snow suit.
And his Lightning Hat.
Mirah loving her her new water proof gloves.
Dad was moving a little slowly that morning, but once he was ready to go we all got into the car with all of our snow gear and headed to Cascade park hill.
And we enjoyed a morning of sledding.
Poor Lucas, with no water proof gloves his hands were cold.
So he took a little break with his dad to warm his hand up.
We brought this thing to go sledding on, but there was either not enough snow, or we were too fat.
It did provide a nice little seat to sit on to take a break on between slides down the hill.
Mirah was unstoppable.
The rest of us had pretty much given up, but she was still going up and down the hill.
We called her over to take a picture with us, she was mad because she had to stop sledding.
Several more runs later…
We were all cold and wet and ready to get inside.
After lunch and some chorse, we remembered the backyard! I asked the kids, “do you want to build a snow man?”
Guess what? They did.
Mirah also wanted to make a snow angel, and with some coaxing she got further out into the snow.
Karl showed her how.
Lucas wasn’t getting it. Or he just didn’t want to lay down in the snow.
Mirah’s little snow angel.
Time for a snowman. The snow was kind of dry. So it wasn’t working.
So we decided to make a small little guy.
Mirah was upset because he didn’t have any buttons.
So she ran to get some and Lucas tried to look like the snowman.
Buttons on. Â
All smiles.
“K- got it. Lets go inside!” I said. But they just stayed there.
Karl had laid down at this point and I headed in because… it was cold and getting dark and I was tired, and no one was listening to me!
The all did eventually come it. And we got baths and warm beds and no one had a hard time going to sleep that night.
  We had sweet dreams remember this: