Mirah Lost Her FIRST Tooth

So my sweet baby girl has two new teeth growing into the bottom of her mouth. The problem is that there is no sign of her perfect and amazing baby teeth getting out of the way for them.

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SO, we had to go into the dentist to have them pulled.


Good thing that Mirah was a champ. I was way more nervous than she was. They numbed her gums.

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Mirah was started to get nervous.

Then he came and gave her some shots for numbness. Then they started the laughing gas, so she didn’t care about any of it.


A automated needle.

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Then he came in, and popped them right out!



He popped them right out. Then took off of her gas thing.

She was a little dazed, and really into Trolls.

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ACK! Two holes!


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Still quite a lot of root.

We went to get Jamba juice to get a treat.


My girl is getting so big. She did super awesome today.

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