While Mirah was at Preschool, Grandma and I tried to go and see the cool Minerva Teichert Book of Mormon exhibit. Lucas was a total disaster. So, after about 15 minutes we left.
After lucas had a nap, Mirah was done with school, and everyone we ready, we tried again that afternoon.
Mirah still wanted to wear the stuff from her Christmas party. So she looked a little silly at lunch. But cute of course.
Lucas was much calmer at this point.
Our burgers and fries came and we dug in.
Mirah’s kid meal came with a scoop of ice cream and this is the type she picked.
Vanilla with BYU blue M&M.
SHe was a happy girl, even though she got blue on her after her first bite.
We then went to the BYU MOA to see the exhibit. It was just lovely.
My favorite nativity painting.
Mom had a blast in the gift shop, and after another short visit, we were done. Again.