So a couple of weeks ago Betsy send me this flyer she had found on the Provo Mayors blog.
We went together a few days before the event and bought tickets at the Chamber of Commerce.
Good thing too, becasue when we got there a few minutes after the event began they were SOLD OUT.
It was a cold afternoon, but we were all bundled up so it was fine.
The list of stops!
Our first stop, Guru’s.
Good but a bit of a let down. They served this at the taste of the valley too, PLUS, there was a stop promised at Enlighten the bakery next door, but it turned out to be a 2 for one. It was a chicken, cheddar and feta quesdilla. All and All really good.
Asher and Judah, having a party!
Next Stop, Gloria’s Little Italy.
This was the best value/ Portion. They gave us a slice of bread, a plate of fettuccine alfredo, and a scoop of gelato.
Communal was next. We had a trout pot pie and this amazing in house made hot chocolate.
The pot pie was seriously good with a round cut of philo dough on top. I thought I wouldn’t like the trout but it was just mild enough and the soup was so full of veggies I loved it. The coco. Well it was such a dark choloate and the whipped cream was made there and those shaves of chocolate on top just melted in my mouth. I am excited to got on a day date sometime.
Sadly it was about this point that the sweet Judah and Asher started to really struggle. So Betsy decided to get them home to and get a sitter. 20 minutes later…we were at taste:
Taste is a new place in Provo, not even open yet. It is a tasting bar. It was pretty cool. You can taste wine, cheese chocolate. Even vinegar. This was a passion fruit vinegar…or some other fruit. Is smelled strongly of vinegar, so when one of the proprietors told me to drink it I didn’t trust her. But I did it, and it was lovely. She also handed each of us a tiny square of chocolate. She had us break off a tiny chip of it. Rub it between our fingers, then to smell it deeply. Then we were told to put it on tongue and rub it around our entire tongue, then to finally eat it. And I know it sounds nuts, but that entire experience too about a minute. But there was no way I could finish that entire HUGE piece. It will change the way I eat chocolate. She told us that good chocolate’s taste changes as it ages. It can change over the course of days. They are opening a chocolate factory in the next store over that will be a part of all of this. I love this idea, we will just say how expensive it all it.
Next is another new place. A juice bar called Ivie.
It was a bite crowded, but fun.
This was a chia fruit smoothy.
Next, Sation 22.
They gave us a pumpkin spice donut and house made root beer.
Mirah was with us still, and she really loved it. It was really great. The root beer was flat.

Prov got a Bruges Waffles and Frites!
It couldn’t have been open very long and we have been wanted to go in.
Quick note: I love Karl, isn’t he so handsome?

Anyway, Burgess was also busy, but good. They gave us each a big cup of Frites. SO good.
Mirah loved them. So cutely.

She was really being so awesome with us. She just ate with us. Came along. And was cute.

Anyway, Burgess was also busy, but good. They gave us each a big cup of Frites. SO good.
Mirah loved them. So cutely.

She was really being so awesome with us. She just ate with us. Came along. And was cute.
Cookies and Cream sample pie shake from Sammy’s.
Not exactly what I was craving on this FREEZY afternoon, but still tasty and better than any pie shake I had tasted up to that point. It is to be noted that I am aware that this establishment is on our black list. For personal reasons, as well as the fact that Employees are not being paid!
Seriously, check this out:
Our next stop was around the corner.
Slate in the Provo Marriot probably provided what was my favorite bite of the day.
Deep fried buffolo Shrimp. I just wanted more.
Deep fried extra large butterfly shrimp with buffalo sauce sitting in a blue cheese sauce with a shaved celery garnish. SO good.
Because of the buffalo sauce I didn’t really share with Mirah. I gave her a little piece of unbreaded shrimp. She didn’t quickly eat it, so Karl did, this was her face for like five minutes when she realized what he had done. No crying, just total annoyance.
Second to last stop was Sensuous Sandwich. We are very familiar with them, and they had some pre made 4 inch subs ready for us. I got the Spicy Enticer.
Karl and Betsy got the Tantalizer.
Nick chose to sit on his own and have the Sensuous Sandwich.
Our final stop of the day was Los Hermonos for chips, salsa and a beef street taco.
All in all, a great event. Perfectly priced and despite a few snags and some cold weather a real treat.