I mean look at these cuties!!
3. The displays and ribbons!
Oh my goodness where else could we see this kind of thing?
Where else could we see gigantic squash!?
4. The interactive farm land, a very cool feature of the Utah State Fair.
Lucas was too little last time, this time he could enjoy the fun!
Aprons on!
Oh my goodness.
Cuties that never look at the camera at the same time.
Lots of fun stops.
A fun mock cow for milking machine.
Apple picking.
And tractors!
Future FFA
We gathered milk, an fruit and eggs…then we put everything into the store.
And we got a gift certificate for helping gather food.
We were able to get fruit snacks and cheese crackers with our payment.
Back to the list.
5. The animals!!
There was this sweet little petting zoo area where this little boy was snuggling with one of the calfs.
Lucas was excited to meet one too.
I love this.
I always get so enthused about animals when I was with the kids. Cutie babies with cutie animals.
They were making bracelets out of raw wool.
Oh my goodness.
Baby chics.
Oh and the incubation machine. Lucas stayed here for a while, he was very interested.
Then the baby goats
Mirah loved the baby goats.
Then they had this cool hand washing station.
6. The thing I was anticipating! We took old time photos.
7. The food!
Yep…THIS. I wait for this ALL year. Nothing more perfect.
You know who likes mustard? My little brown eyed boy!
There was a free circus, and that is my last thing I love about the fair,
8. The crazy entertainment.
We showed up a few minutes before it started. We got popcorn and water bottles.
At first Lucas was really into it.
But he needed to be passed back and forth a lot.