The Festival of Trees

One of the great things about Utah is all of the great inexpensive events that the various committees host throughout the year. One such annual event is the festival of trees. It is an event to Beinfit Primary Children’s Hospital. The idea is that people create these elaborate Christmas trees, then they auction them off, all of the proceeds going to Primary Children’s hospital.

I have been wanting to attend for years, but it is all the way out in Sandy, and it only runs for a few days and we always seemed to have something else going on. Today, we made it!

Now that we live in Orem, the commute to Sandy doesn’t seem so long. You hear that Grandma, I am coming for you!

Karl and Mirah at the entrance. It is held at the South Town Expo Center. That place is HUGE.

We met up with Betsy Nick and the boys at the entrance. We walked in and saw a group of little girls dancing! It reminded me of Do Re Me’s, a singing group I was a part of as a little kids, and I got misty. Too soon it turned out, because the tears didn’t seem to stop. Seriously, Betsy and I were wrecks, it was all NICU babies, and little kids cancer patients. 
Like I said, the place was huge. 
My top three trees:
It’s a Wonderful Life. There were figurines of the Beford Title and Loan, Welcome to Beford Falls signs and a little template that says “Every Time A Bell Rings and Angel Get’s His Wings” and then real angel wings.
Christmas in Paris.
It makes me think of Krysta. Between the cruiser and the party juice. I miss her.
Then this mini Tree made entirely of broches. SO cool!
There were some really great others.
Like the Nightmare Before Christmas Trees.
This little missionary Tree set.
This tree that wasn’t a real tree at all. I mean it was a tree, before it was carved into a sweet tree post.
This upside down ice cream cone tree.
Movie tree!

The Tree that is surrounded by signed jerseys. The only one I recognized was Jimmer. 

That was the cool thing. Lots of them weren’t just trees. But displays surrounding a theme. Like the boys favorite, Sesame Street.
Judah was jumping out of his seat!
There was a cool one that was a Luna Lovegood tree. 

This lovely tree came with a full set of hand made nativity costumes. Awesome!

Nick loved this Coke display! Surrounded by REAL cans of Coke!

This tree made me cry most of all. The Heros tree. Siblings that donate blood, bone marrow and etc to their sick brothers and sistes. 
This tree had a little note you can’t read that says, “My blood saved my sisters life.” 
Krystin’s tree.

There were amazing hand made quilts. 
Then there was a gingerbread village.
Here is the Provo Temple, as it will be when completed.
And a landscape named “Hobbitville” that is clearly supposed to be Hobbiton. You would think if you had the dedication to CREATE such an elaborate candy display you would at least get the name correct….
I grabbed a box of popcorn as we were finishing up. We watched a Ballet company dance to the Nutcracker, and looked on as kids jumped on Santa’s lap. All in all, a great event. 
We had Pei Wei for dinner, back at home around 8. 

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