Mirah met Santa tonight. I got her all dressed up in a cute little Christmas outfit. Bundled her up, picked up Karl from work, and headed off to the Riverwoods to meet Santa.

They really have done a great job out there. The lights are beautiful, and despite the cold, we were so excited. We followed the signs…

To Santa’s hut.

We got in the relatively small line to get a picture with this really great looking Santa.
Karl and Mirah.

They really have done a great job out there. The lights are beautiful, and despite the cold, we were so excited. We followed the signs…

To Santa’s hut.

We got in the relatively small line to get a picture with this really great looking Santa.
Karl and Mirah.

Karl asked Santa how well most 6 month olds generally speaking did. Santa said they were about 50/50 on freaking/little reaction.
We thanks Santa for his time, wished him a happy Christmas, and got down to giving Mirah lots of kissed so she knew we still loved her. Even though we had apparently abandoned her with the scariest man on the planet.
Seriously though, isn’t he a great Santa? Mirah is going through a hair phase, and I thought she would love his long beard.
Anyway, she had a doctors appointment last week, and up to then it seemed she would go to just about anybody, which apparently she shouldn’t be doing at this point. She should have developed the whole “stranger danger” reflex by then. Well, I guess she has now met that developmental benchmark!
I mean, as long as she loves me!
She got over the fright pretty quickly.
With Mirah settled down we looked around at what else was going on. We headed over to the horse drawn sleigh! Ok, it was a hay ride, with no hay.
We jumped on, and a kind couple across from up took this picture.
The night air was cool as we road around looking at the lights. And being pulled behind gassy Clydesdales was a little…aromatic. I am glad we had a little blanket for Mirah. She loved the lights, and we had fun too.
Us with the Clydesdales.
We stopped at Waffle Love and got a treat. $6 for one waffle. But really good.
Mirah and her dad waiting for our treat.

She loves her dad.

And her dad loves her.

We went to Zupa’s for dinner for hot sandwiches and soup.
We had FHE when we got home. We sang Christmas songs and watched a movie on lds.org about the Savior. We told Mirah all about Christmas for the first time. It was the best part of the whole night. Hears to Mirah’s first Christmas season!
The last pic of Mirah with santa is the best thing of all times. It will be interesting to see how the boys do with Santa this year.