So when the opportunity to visit, I jumped at the chance. With a little baby at home, who loves to be outside, it seemed like the perfect Saturday family activity. So, we invited some family to come with us!
Nitsy and the boys!
We got to the Hogle Zoo a little before 10 AM. It was a crisp autum morning, but the weather reprot promised a warm day, so we gave Mirah some leg warmers for a little extra protection.
We found our first photo op infront of the gorilla and orangoutang enclosure.

It was only after another family arrived and wanted to take some pictures that we were able to get the boys to leave this guy alone. 🙂
We went inside and I got what I think is the best gorilla experience I have ever had at the zoo.
First Mirah measured up:

The orangoutangs were outside and so we measured up to them.
Mirah is the same size as an infant orangoutang.
Judah was a juvenile.
Mirah wanted to see them!
He was just sitting in the grass, eating a head of lettuce.
Zuri has gotten so BIG!!!
Judah and Nick, checking out the elephants.
THEN, wonder of wonders, the bird show!!! It was supposed to be over on September 3rd… but it was open today after all!! Karl was thrilled.
Mirah’s first bird show!
Nitsy’s first bird show too!
We had to sit down early to get a seat, so the boys had hard time sitting still.
Asher shared Betsy’s sun glasses with a kind old man near us. I just missed the shot, but he put them on the man’s face. It was hysterical.
She started to get fussy too.
So ended up passing out and missing the majority of the show. BUT we didn’t. It was awesome. There was one point where Karl SWORE the he felt an owl’s talon touch his hair.
She slept on my sholder, until we got to the sea lion. Then she woke up, super cutely.
The bears were cool, but mostly asleep.
We saw the tigers, and then the boys found these little statues. This is like a fourth of the pictures I took of them here, there were just so many good ones. They were being so cute.
Finally we headed down to the giraff enclosure. IT WAS bonkers full, we didn’t stay long.
The park started to get super full, and the kids needed a nap, and it was starting to get warm, so we headed toward the entrance.
This croc (or aligator, I am not sure) was bring nuts scary. We saw little wallabies right here too. They were so cute.
Mirah’s hat had gotten twisted as she slept.
We went to Zuppas for lunch. The parted ways so that the kids could take their naps. When spent the afternoon naping and hanging out together.
Ahh, I love Saturdays. Oh, and the Zoo. And Mirah. And Karl. And Nitsy and the Boys. And Zuppas.
So fun! Thanks for some great pics. The one of Asher and the old man is my favorite. Or the one of Asher leaning over while Nick and I held his hands. Cute.
Fun times! Great pictures too. I especially like the close ups of Allie and Mirah together. Nice work Karl! Love you guys.
Looks like fun was had by all–Even the enemy of fun, Nick! Good Job everyone!