Karl and I planned on meeting them at the Parkway trailhead, but when they weren’t there when they said they would be, or five minutes later, Karl headed down the trail.
There was some friendly faces to meet me there.

With police escort and all.
There were even media there, from Provo Channel 17.

Then look who I saw. Karl was able to find them. He actually beat me to Paul Reams, turned back, and almost made it to the trail head again when he met the big group.
Karl is really happy after a good ride.
Sterling Beck, that guys who I can never remember, and the Mayor.
Many members of the committee, cheering on the project. Which apparently was completed 6 months ahead of schedule.
After the speechs, there was some canvasing to be done.
Cookies with our Krysta… 🙁
I had a blue high-wheeler.
We walked over to the new area of the trail. Which ended up being way father than advertised.
I was too slow, I missed the ribbon cutting.
It was awesome. The new portion is huge and lite, and won’t flood.
Also, it is already been tagged on… 🙁 People are the worst sometimes.
On my walk over I noticed this cool jump track, and told Karl about it. He was super excited and got right on.
He took it slowly at first,
this picture below could have been called, “the last picture we took of Karl before he died.”
He did a quick high jump, landed hard on his front wheel, landed on an rotten piece of ply wood, and crashed. His bike when flying and so did he.
I said the “s” word, and ran down to see him. My adrenalin must have been raging because I haven’t run in months.
Allison: “Are you ok?”
Karl: “Yes, I am ok.”
Allison, “Turn around.” I checked his arms, and face and everything, and he seemed fine. As I approached him, and his bike, his front tire exploded.
The damage:
Kids, that is why you always wear a helmet.
It turned out that karl hit the front of his head pretty bad.
If he hadn’t had his helmet…well….
The rest of the day was spent nursing Karl back to health, and cleaning the house.
We did get out to see Grandma Denny our in Murray. She looked FANTASTIC! She just seems like her self again. We sat and chatted for a couple of hours. And it was just like before everything. We talked about the baby, and about her physical therapy, and how she could be back at home as soon as late May. It was so awesome. Aunt Janet was there too, she gave us some delicious apple pie and ice cream. It was soooo good. Mostly good to just be together.
Since Karl was hurt, I drove, which made things…complicated. I had a couple of fun contractions while on the freeway. I won’t be driving much these days. I guess our plan of riding bikes to the hospital to deliver our baby is also out.
As of today, Karl is doing ok. His shoulder is still giving him some trouble, and he has some serious DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) all over his body. Poor guy.
Holy crash! Glad Karl is okay. Also I just saw in the corner that there are only 20 days until baby is due! Fun!
Karl! Be careful bike ninja! Even ninjas can't fly!
Why does Karl always have to crash on a bike right before the biggest moments of your life? Frickin Karl…