2010 Highlights

When I look back on the year that has come and gone, I am struck by how much has happened in 2010. Things that I wouldn’t have guessed, things I dreaded and things I knew were coming. It makes me think of the toast that Mr. Fox gives at the end of Fantastic Mr. Fox. He is able to see things for what they really are, and love them anyway. Yes, there have been some pretty crappy things that have happened to our little family this year, but I know the Lord has us in hand, and that all the things that have happened are for our good.
Still it has been far from all bad. So in an effort to organize my thoughts and memory of the year 2010 I thought that it might be fun to look through my IPhoto and remember some of the things that have happened.
Ok, this was a little moment that reminds me of a couple of things. First, I LOVE KAREN. Second, my husband is hilarious. We were sitting around in our apartment and Karl and Karen were talking, and for whatever reason Karl decided to draw a mustache with sharpie onto a piece of tape and put it on Karen’s face. At first she didn’t mind at all. Then she hated the feel of the tape on her face. This picture is us just trying to get a picture before she ripped it off.
Brandon and Leah! We miss them so much. This was a celebration early in the year, that I won’t go into. Look back in the blog and connect the dots.
Happy 201st Abe! This year I did it! I finished the 24 inch challenge. I ate the whole thing while others threw up all around me.
It seems like years ago that we started doing monthly 5k’s. But it all started in February of 2010. Man, I was so fat. This was our first, the No Snow 5k.
YES! 2010 was the year that we discovered the perfection that is Leslie Hall. We even got to see her in concert. It was so amazing. Then on top of all that, I met her.
I skied for the first time this year. Karl took a class and I went out with him.
I did not like skiing.
We participated in Passover dinner at BYU. It was really memorable and fun. I want to try and recreate it this year at home.
Tra la la! Karl Graduated from college!!
All of our families came out which is always a huge highlight.
He interviewed for a job in Portland that he really wanted, but didn’t get it. The up side has been that we are still living in lovely Provo and loving it.
Leah and Brandon were parents to some baby squirrels. They peed on everything, but they were so cute.
Then there were the raccoons. Oh babies, how I miss you guys.
They totally took over Brandon and Leah’s lives. Anytime we were with them pretty much until they moved, the raccoons were there.
Karl passed his second actuarial exam. We went out for a steak dinner to celebrate.
Yes, anytime there is Texas Road house, it is something to be celebrated.
We biked up South Fork Canyon with all of our gear. A 30 mile round trip from our house, I was impressed with myself. Karl was too.
We visited may of the sights of Utah this year. Including the awesome Hogal Zoo. We saw Thanksgiving Point’s dinosaur museum, This is The Place monument, Temple Square, and more.
We went to Lagoon again this year. This time during the summer to enjoy the water park.
I FINALLY got a pair of Chacos this year for my birthday. It is so cold here now I can’t even imagine wearing them, but they are lovely.
We attended the Barney Family Reunion in Logan this year. This picture is one of my favorite ever of Karl.
We went trilobite hunting with Brandon and Leah too. The babies came of course. They were able to help out, I guess.
Then there was the Tour De France! What an crazy couple of weeks. Karl’s parents came to visit, and Zac wore this:
Karl and I celebrated our 4th this year and took another trip out to Park city. We road the Alpine coaster and had a ton of fun. We went to Logan to the Pickleville playhouse saw a show and had Raspberry shakes. . We also went out to Park City this year with our wonderful Hicken Cousins for general conference. They are such a fun group, we always have such a great time with them.
Yes, this year we got pregnant, twice. It was such a big part of everything that happened for the rest of the year that it is hard not to mention it. No babies for us yet. It has been incredibly difficult and discouraging. Still, we can get pregnant, which leaves us room to hope.
Karl and I lost 80 pounds when added together this year. 45 for me, 35 for Karl. I mention it here because I think that we look pretty skinny in this picture.
This picture is me breaking the news to Karl that we won a trip to Disneyland.
We are in the Disney store. I actually won the trip at work for “walking” to Disneyland. I tracked my steps all summer and got entered in for a drawing, and won!!
We had a garden this year but because of an early freeze, cold spring and crazy pumpkin plant that went crazy we didn’t have much of a yeild. We did have one enormous pumpkin though.
We finally made it up to Snow Bird to take the Tram up to see the stars. We accidentally bumped into Grandpa while we were there and had a great time.
There was of course my Cowboy themed birthday party, the tour de french fries for Karl’s.
We ran a Zombie 5k in October.
Then there was my surgery too. My Thyroid was removed. For details read my blog.
My mom came out and visited to take care of me afterward. It was wonderful!
Our first nephew was born and we made the trek back up to Rexburg for the first time since we moved away.
We went snow shoeing with the Whitmores up South Fork again.
We had a great Christmas, and then we got a new couch!!! Finally.
Karl would also have me mention her that he got new shoes. He loves those shoes. Thank you mom for getting them for me. A day hasn’t gone by that he hasn’t mentioned how much he loves them.
On to new adventures, to bigger and brighter things.
Happy New Year!

6 thoughts on “2010 Highlights

  1. Wow, so much has happenend this year! i am inspired to take a look back too. Ren loved the post. She kept saying "is that my dad with no shirt on?", "look 'high-kicks'" , "that's pippi's thyroid." and then I remember things about you. Like last night for instance. Thank you so much for being my friend. I often think that it is not a big deal that we are friends and then and then I think how hard it would be without you… it doesn't look pretty. Faleminderit Motra se smund te jem pa ty!

  2. It is amazing to look at all these pictures of just some of the things that you have done this year. The most obvious is how much weight you have lost! You both look so fantastic. I know that 2011 will be just as jam packed with fun activities and challenges. The first is that we are looking forward to seeing you soon! Be safe!

  3. What a big year! Every time I read your blog, I miss you guys.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriages. Especially after mine last February, I can only imagine how devastated you have been. Sending prayers, happy thoughts, and "I miss you two"'s your way.


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