After breakfast we went to Toy Stroy 3. It was so much fun. Really the perfect birthday movie! Karen loved it, and so did we.

They were just…just amazing. I can’t say how much I love both of them. [and how terribly I will miss them when they move to Oregon next month. : ( ]

Then there was Dev.

After dinner of a 10oz ribeye and veggied we headed to our place for dessert and presents.

Leah and Brandon hadn’t lost any of their enthusiasm.
Geoff and Jessie also joined us.
The gifts began. You may see a totally inappropriate card in the background. That is from Krysta and Zac. It has kind of become a tradition, I don’t know why, for them to give me half naked men cards for my birthday every year. They always take me by surprise. In my hands, that is a little more complicated, and it will suffice me to say that I have a phobia of Zombies. So in order to prepare me for the inevitable Zombie apocalypse, for my birthday zac got me everything I need.

Other bits of amazingness all around me. In the window a little birthday girl figurine from alicia. A new hat i bought myself. Two boxes of trio bars and a magazine subscription from Bleah. A beautiful new green amber necklace and a visa gift card from my mom. Chacos from Karl. A bracelet from Devanie and more! I have some wonderful and generaous friends and family! I am so Blessed!
Best of all Karl sent me around on a little scavenger hunt for my last gift all around the house where at some point, who knows when, we put notes everywhere. The gift was the newest Ratchet and Clank game for PS3. I have the best most thoughtful husband in the world. We ended up playing the game of things after all and went to bed late, again!
Thanks for sharing all your fun! I've been missing your blogs, and I've been waiting impatiently to peep some pictures of your skinny self! You look great, btw. Also, I'm glad that you had a very happy birthday! Wish we could have been there with you. Love you both!
Happy birthday friend! you are looking amazing and it looks like you two had so much fun! I miss you!
I have the perfect gift for you…The Zombie Survival Guide. It's so awesome.