In order to get a little break from the stress of big city living, we took a little trip to Logan Utah. As most of you know Karl has lots of family there. We have visited several times before: Once right before we got engaged, once right after, another time to do wedding dress fittings, once for thanksgiving, once on my 24th birthday…There must be another one or two in there. We love to go because the town is really cool, but mostly because we always have so much fun with Karl’s family there.
We rolled in on Friday evening, and a bunch of us including: Uncle Greg, Aunt Shirlene, Brigham, Chelsea, Melanie, Me and Karl, went out for pizza. The rest of the night was spent talking and playing Super Mario Wii, which I must own – soon.
Next morning after a delicious breakfast of churizo burritos, courtesy of Uncle Greg, we were off to visit Grandma and Grandpa Barney.
Here is Grandpa:
We sat and chatted for a while, catching up on what is going on with everybody. Then I found the photo albums….All I have to say is JAKE POT! These things had so many amazing old Hite Family pictures I could DIE! I am posting some of my favorites…these don’t even skim the surface of what I found, but they are some of my favorites. As an almost, non-Hite, or at least as one of the newer members, these images are really exciting to me. They give me a glimpse at days of yor with people I now LOVE, while I was just a twinkle in My mother’s eye! Enjoy.
Dad, Maila (I am pretty Sure) Grandpa Barney in Germany.
Grandma Barney, Malia, dad, Mom. Just a few comments-mom I love that hat! Dad, those shades are rockin’. Karl wants to know if they still exist somewhere and if inheritance of them is on the table? Also, what are you standing in front of?
There are so many things I love about this picture. First, Grandpa is on a bike which by itself is awesome. Add to that he SWEET blazer and I am in love. This was taken in Hawaii.
Karl calls this one the “famous Hite family photo.” I have seen this one before but I never had a picture of it. I love it so much. I have so much to say. This gist is that you guys are all so freaking cute! I mean look at Karl-I could have a baby that looks just like that!
Malia. I love this little outfit! I am smiling so big right now just looking at it!
OK, Betsy pleas forgive me! I just found this one, and I feel like I didn’t know that you were homecoming Queen!
Besides, you look Hot! I just don’t understand why the photographer chose to make it look like there had just been an earth quake…
Oh I love this one!

Grandpa Barney!
This one of Grandma barney makes me smile too! She looks so cool!
Grandpa told me who these people were, but now I can’t remember. Karl and I just thought that the tractor was really cool and loved seeing Grandpa looking so young.
This one is my favorite. So much to say. First, dad, where did you get those pants? Karl also was wondering about those. Please say they still exist! Mom, you are so CUTE! Then there is Malia and Craig. Those outfits are amazing! Where did you get them, in Germany? While I was looking at this, and looking at this, I kept thinking to myself, “Why have I never seen this one before?” It is so cool, and really a great photo!
Another cool one of Grandpa Barney. I love this one because it too is just a great photo. Even if I didn’t know anyone in this picture, I would enjoy looking at it.
Then finally:
Again, I love it. Craig, Malia, baby Elizabeth. This one is the best candid shot. Again, another great photo. I love the way the over exposed on the bottom over saturated the colors. Malia, your little face is so cute. You can tell how much you love Betsy here. So much to say!
There are quite literally HUNDREDS more pictures I got over the week end, but that’s all for now.
While we sat on the couches looking at the pictures couple of things happened:
Karl and Aunt Shirlene posed for this one.
Karl and I did this one.
Talon and Nicole came over!!!!
Oh, so cute!
I love them. They are so much fun.
Before we left, we took one last picture with grandma and grandpa Barney.
We all piled into Aunt Sherline’s car and she said, “I want Pounders for lunch.” So she took us there:
Before I get to ahead of myself, have I told you how much Karl and I love his Aunt Shirlene? This picture exemplifies one of the many things we love about her: she is a lot of fun! She did so much to make sure that we had a good time that weekend so I just want to take a minute now and say, THANK YOU AUNT SHIRLENE! You are the best. Thank you for all the meals, and rides, and good times over the years and on this trip specifically, it was so much fun!
We ordered our food and scrunched into a booth.

It was seriously yum.
After lunch we headed out to Gossner’s Dairy to try the delights of Cheese.
As you walk in there is this little sampling table of cheese:
All kinds, Munster, Swiss, cheese curd, spicy kinds, hard, soft….Pretty impressive.
There were no tours of the factory on Saturday, but there is a window looking in on the production room.
MOM! Look what I found!
That’s right! All the squeaky cheese you mind, and body for that matter, can handle! Let me explain: When my mom visited last summer we search High and Low in Provo and couldn’t find so much as one little mushy bit of squeaky cheese. Yet here in the magical land of Logan, there it was in bulk.
Speaking of bulk: Dad, all of the flavored milk your heart could desire! Rootbeer, chocolate, Mango, cookies and cream. Yes.
It was like a grocery store of nothing but cheese and milk.
Just look at this picture and spy all the awesome things that I do:
In the end
In the end we bought some cookies and cream boxed milk, some fresh parmesan, some gorgonzola, and some smoked munster. We also got a couple of pounds of squeaky cheese just for good measure.
On our way back to the house we stopped by:
While we were waiting to order…MOM, look what I found!?
It was like I couldn’t stop finding squeaky cheese in Logan!
We did some relaxing when we got home, where Karl and Barkly had a moment.
I want this dog. He is so sweet and cute. Check out the video:
Uncle Greg is a big cyclist, so we were not surprised to find this awesome tandem he owned, and allowed us to take for a spin.
I wasn’t great at it. But it was FUN.
We spent the evening playing games! Anyone recognize this one?
Settlers of Catan. It was my first time, and I can see while Malia has stopped playing, It is kind of cut throat!
Talan and Nicole.
Chelsea and Brig.
Karl and Allie.
Chelsea got kind of board at one point and wrapped Nicole’s phone in little bags for her. After MANY hours of play, the game ended when Chelsea and Karl conspired against everyone, and Karl became the victor.
The next day was Sunday and we went to church with Nicole and Talon. We came home had an amazing dinner and made Spring Bracelets.

The above is our farewell picture with Chelsea and Brigham.
It was a great weekend! Karl and I had such a good time. Melanie said, “So now that you remember how awesome we all are you had better come and visit more!” As long as we don’t move out of state, yes, we will be visiting Logan more!
I heart this post! Thanks for all the awesome old pictures. I wish that Nick and I could have been there to join you in your fun Logan weekend.