I just can’t believe that it has already been a year! It seems like time flies for fast when you are having fun!
We of course made our hats for FHE, and had a great time doing it.
February 12th finally came. I had a big breakfast, and only water for the rest of the day. I was totally starving. We road bikes over to Sensuous Sandwich, to so the 24 inch challenge.
Krysta, looking hot with her hat, on her bike.
Karl’s hat this year was a little, avant garde. It looked like a black Chinese lantern.
I also made badges for the event too. For those of you who might not know, last year we decided that Abe invented au jus. That is way we decided to do a 24 inch challenge. We also made an Abe mix for the soul cycle, and Zac’s badge is from one of my favorite songs on the mix.
Karl did re-tie my tie. More period. Here are Krysta and I…she didn’t do it again this year!!! I was so mad at her. She had her reasons, which I can’t argue with, but I was really bummed.
Brandon and Leah came too. Leah’s sisters children were in town and they came along for the event. Here is Sylvie and Brandon. She looks like she could be his daughter.
Here is Brad and Rachel Miller. They didn’t remember about the celebration until about two hours before, putting him at a terrible disadvantage.
I asked for light meat, because I was really worried about finishing, so Karl asked to have any meat they didn’t put on mine.
Zac didn’t even try it this year. He did it last year, so he just got a bag of chips, and drank his free soda.
AND we were off! I was doing it. My technique this year was to just pound it down.
and I did it! I was finished first, because I am awesome!
Brandon’s technique was to not cut it at all, just eat a foot at a time.
Oh my gosh! I can't believe that you all ate all of those enormous sandwiches! It boggles the mind. Brandon definitely looks the worst for wear. And those small hats??? They were pretty small. Allie, you win the prize for the spiffiest looking. Hopefully, there will be no sandwich shops with contests wherever you move. I don't think your stomachs can take more abuse.
You really made it! I'm sorry to say that I had my doubts. But you proved me wrong. Congratulations.
You have no idea how much I wish the Nickster and I could have been there with you to participate in this historic event. We love you!
Also we love Abe. Way to honor that dude big time.