Summer Days: Kiwi Co and Kayaking

Yup, my time as the summer Cruise Ship Director are fully upon us. We are still going though our Kiwi Co boxes, and the kids still love them. Lucas’s Kiwi Crate was a little game. He built little shooters that came with a little ramp, then he had instructions to built targets.

Mirah’s Artist Crate, went through the color wheel, mixing paints to get the colors you want an then gave her instructions on a cool swirl art technique.

Lucas went ahead with the air clay building and Mirah went ahead with the swirling.

It was a lovely morning spent together. Mirah is a pretty capable artist, she was excited to have new instructions, but didn’t need much of my help this time. Lucas and I built the figures together and played the game. He is excited to play with is dad as soon as he is availed.

Mirah’s finished work never got photographed! 🙁 They took FOREVER to dry. I am sure they will show up in an art drop post someday.

That evening, when Karl was off of work, we got the kayaks loaded up, and headed down to Utah lake to get onto the Provo River.

Mirah was thrilled to get out on her very own little Kayak. She was a pro!

Karl was SO happy to be out on the river. He would be happier to be on the Northern part of the river, going crazy on his own, but he also loves to spend time with all of us on the water.

Lucas and I were having fun on the tandem.

It was getting windy and even raining a little bit. We tried to stake some pictures together and it was only working a little bit. Lucas really wanted a shot to paddle for us. He was doing a pretty good job. He decided that he wanted his own kayak too!

It was pretty fun letting him drive me around. He just gets so easily distracted. He kept seeing things that interested him and would forget to paddle. Like when he found these seed pods in the water. He just wanted to give them a closer look. He didn’t say anything, he just stared and stared.

We got separated for a little while from Karl and Mirah. They went on further ahead, and it took us a while to catch up.

Once we did, we decided to turn back, we saw a family of ducks on our way back that really distracted Lucas. Luckily I was paddling at this point, and he could just look at them.

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