We did swim lessons right at the start of the summer this year. Since we missed lessons last year, I wanted to get them in a couple of sessions, but we are so planned out this was literally the only session we had time to do. I glad we did, we have a lot of swimming planned this summer.
Here are my cute little babies!

This year I made sure to get both of them a really good pair of goggles at the beginning, so that swimming would be that much easier. On the last day, the kids both did great! They each got a free pass to the Scera pool for the summer which I am SURE we will use.

Happy lady, right after her last class.

They love swim lessons SO much. We had had so much back and forth with the Orthodontist, things have been kind of frantic getting to and from lessons on time. The kids looked so beat.

We made sure to get them a special treat from the Provo Bakery to congratulate them on their success, and thank them for their cooperation.