Yes, 167 years, I can hardly believe it. The BYU 18th stake decided celebrate through service! They had several different stations. The first station I sat down at, was quilt tying.Krysta was in her element. She knew all about quilt tying already. Karen was great, she sat on her moms lap and ate goldfish.
The next station was tiara making for little girls in the hospital. They were just like the little tiara’s they sold at the Cattle Call parade. You know those little things that cost $5 that my mom never let me buy. I totally wanted to take one today.
There was even a station where they made little star wants on the ends of sparkly pink pencil.
I rejoined the party for a last look over. We retied and pulled through any mistakes that we found.We finished off the activity with a delicious chicken salad sandwiches and fruit. Delicioso…yum yum, yum, yum!
PS: Karl and I spent much of the rest of the day organizing the house. We got rid of BOXES of crap. One such box of crap was….1000 business cards from his old job at Direct Connect. They have this hilarious picture of him on them. Karls only comment was…”What were they thinking?”
Allie, you have now officially become a Relief Society sister. You thought you were before; being Madam President should count… but making a quilt makes it truely official. Looking at the picture, the cultural hall, the quilts set up…it could be any Relief Society, at any time, in any place. You have quilting in your DNA, your Grandma June spent countless hours sitting at a quilting frame, stitching and tying. And of course, there are the rainbow quilts…
Karl, I dig your shirt!
I like the ribbons in your hair. And I like your blog layout 🙂 you’re amazing!!