On Sunday January 11, on my sister Maryn’s Birthday it started. “The sickness.” Both Karl and I got the stomach flu. I took my second sick day since May, when I was hired the next day. It took Karl and I a few days to get back on the food wagon. It was like a celebration! On Sunday I started to get a red bump on my eye. I sty. The worst thing about sty’s is that you can’t wear makeup with them, so everyone thinks you are sick because you aren’t wearing makeup. On Wednesday 21st the migraines started and then the cold, and then on Friday…I got the stomach flu again. I took my third sick day since the beginning of my employment. I’ve had to miss Church, work, Enrichment activities, an opening social, a ward temple trip, and Devo’s birthday party. It has been a total bummer.
This picture really exemplifies past couple of weeks for me:Eyes closed, no makeup, looking like death, with a pink eye that some thought was a swollen eye where my husband had hit me…ugg.
Then, on Friday afternoon, it happened. A tender mercy of the Lord! Gabi’s package! (Before I go too far though I would say that Krysta and Zac have done a lot to take care of us too, thanks guys!)
im so sorry that you were sick! it really bites the big one. it looks you have some pretty good friends tho to brighten it up :]
YAY. Baby sloth got there okay! I’m so happy you guys loved your presents! I love you two a bunch load. Also, I moved into my own apartment yesterday!!!! I’m an adult!!
I almost started crying when I saw Karl and the baby sloth. Sorry you two were sick, but I’m glad you’re on the mend. Love you lots!
I am not sure why I should start crying to see Karl with a stuffed sloth…perhaps I can blame it on the snow and not being at Christmas. But I am glad you liked all of your gifts. Gabi felt bad for eating all of your jelly beans last summer when we visited. Also, I am glad that the box is out of my living room.
Also, also, what the sick?!?!? I’m really glad you aren’t puking up any more. Love you!!!!
I AM COMING TO EAT ALL YOUR BASE. AND JELLY BEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!