On Monday December 15th…our little Karen turned ONE! I think about the first day we met…just in march this year. She was just a few months old then.
She was all decked out in a cape with a “K” on it that her wonderful mom made for her.
She was surrounded by adults that love her so much. Karl was playing keep away with one of her ducks. She loved it.
She did get it in the end.
We had cake and ice cream. Ren and I ate a cup cake together. We both enjoyed it.
She has gotten so big! I can’t wait to see what the next year brings.
I love this because it sounds like Ren is your daughter! I love it. I will share her with you when ever you want. And someday when we are grownup and have more chitlens. I will send them to your house and you will send yours to mine and you will forever be Auntie Pipi and I will be Auntie ……. Whatever they want to say you know Koksi, Krys, Wonderwoman. Any of those fashion. OH I miss you so much! I hope your Christmas has been wonderful. See you soon!