So several members of my friends and family have given me a hard time about not posting last week. Truth be told, I wasn’t going to post today either. Its not that I didn’t want to, believe me, I spend all week trying to find a funny event to report on. These last couple of weeks have been full, just not very reportable. Things have happened, but nothing out of the ordinary. So to appease my anxious readers, I have decided to tell you about some of our non-adventures.
First: R-2 Sweet Tooth.
Karl and I just finished catching up to a “new show;”new to us anyway. It is called “How I met your Mother.” We love it, especially Barney Stenson. Doogie Howser M.D. (Neil Patrick Harris) is all grown up, and a ladies man.
Oh speaking of Neal Patrick Harris. If you haven’t seen Doctor Horrible’s Sing Along Blog yet, you’ve gotta see it. It is three Web-isodes long, created by Joss Whedon, the guy who did Fire Fly. It is a Musical/Comedy/Melodrama. Great stuff. Dr. Horrible is a wannabe super villain. The link below starts with act one part one. Watch through act three, part two. (You can also look them up on
So, any way, R2 Sweet Tooth. We were watching HIMYM (How I Met your Mother) and they had this awesome Robot Cookie Jar.
This is a better picture of the Robot, not cookie jar, but piggy bank!
Well, I got a better one. I found him on eBay, for 16.99, including shipping. I call him, R2 Sweet Tooth, the second.Non Adventure 2: New Curtains, a Tree skirt, and a Gravy boat, and Karl’s new jeans.
Mervyn’s is closing nation wide. So we went to see if we could get in on the sweet sales. The place was pretty picked over. We were able to find Karl some jeans, a gravy boat for Thanksgiving, and an awesome tree skirt for Christmas time, and curtains. The curtains were too long and really wrinkled. After only a few hours of ironing and hemming, they were ready to put up. We hung them in our bedroom. It really finished the look. I am really proud of us.
Here is the group:

Non Adventure: Fourth, DI shoes
The DI is awesome. Brand names, slightly used, for 95% off.
I have to say first, that I am so grateful that there really hasn’t been very much snow! It has made my anxiety manageable, but when the snow starts…yikes. Yet, when I leave for work at 6:15 in the morning, I have to scrape the windows and warm up the car. (Luckily we got a new battery, starting up is no problem now! he he)
Karl also loves baby animals, did you know? Here are some of his favorite videos:
Baby Sloth:
Baby Panda Sneezing
Kitten in a Boot
Kittens at play
Kittens-Coca Cola Box – Watch more amazing videos here
Non Adventure, the Last: We Bought Our First Turkey Together.
There she is. Out first turkey bought as Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hite. I call her…Glenda. She is taking up my whole refrigerator! All 20.26 pounds of her. She is no my first purchased turkey. That was in November 2004, in Albania. I pitched in some money for the Elders to go and get a live turkey from the poultry market. They had to kill, and de-feather that one. That is another story for another day. I think that this one from the Costco refrigerator is a better deal anyway.
I suppose there is nothing but stories to tell about our goings on everyday. To our readers, we will keep looking for the “good one’s.”
I was also asleep when the shoes picture was taken. Except that time there was this lady sitting on me to get the right angle.
Gosh, all Karl does is sleep… I love every minute of this post.