We woke up bright and early-and it was CONFERENCE SUNDAY!

Mirah kept Busy.

Branny made us all breakfast. After breakfast and the first session we went outside.

Mirah kept Busy.

Branny made us all breakfast. After breakfast and the first session we went outside.
The day was sunny and bright.
Mirah was enjoying the day and all the green of Oregon.
Auntie Leah had been holding onto these little butterfly wings thinking Mirah might enjoy them. Yeah she did. (We accidentally ended up taking them home.)
We came in and the kids were super excited to do crafts with their wonderful Aunt Leah.
We listened to the second session, while the kids napped. It was a WONDERFUL lazy Sunday.
After conference was over we went over to Ron and Sue’s house for dinner.
Ron had made us all a delicious dinner of roast, with Yorkshire puddings:
Roasted Potatoes and delicious steamed veggies.
It was SUPER yummy!
It was a all in honor of Branny you see. It was his big family birthday dinner.
The best part was the cakes that Ron had made. They had found a bunny and a lamp mold.
The Lamb.
And the Bunny, complete with red cherry eyes.
And a little surprise around the back:
But there was no time for cake while we were full of dinner. There were too many animals to play with and be buddies with.
There were definitely WAY too many adorable pictures of Leah!
Look at her little “FUN” dress.
Oh my goodness look at those BANGS!!
What a little cutie!!
Leah as a Senior, and her Donkey.
It’s name was Donkeyxote. Haha I am not sure how she would spell it. Don Quixote.
We went out back and saw the chicken coupe.
It was after this that we got into the hot tub. I don’t have any pictures of us in the hot tub! I felt sure that I had taken one. But, no. Karl and Branny took some after this.
We had a little soak in the hot tub and really enjoyed it! After our soak we got the kids out and back int their cloths. Or at least we were trying to, but they kept running away. Then they got into Ron and Sue’s dog crate. And Ron thought it would be funny to shut them in.
The kids thought it was funny too.
Until it was time to have cake. They wanted to get out for cake. 🙂
Branny got the head. Since it was his birthday.
Mirah got the bunny’s head, because she asked.
It was such a nice day, and a very nice evening. So thankful for kind and loving people like Ron and Sue for having us over for dinner and welcoming us into their home.