Merry Christmas 2017!
The house was full of people which we of course love, and it was Sunday. Church would start at 9:00 AM which is awesome, except on Christmas morning. We had to do a little Christmas, get ready for church, eat some breakfast and get to church early enough to have enough seats for all of us! So we were off.
We started our morning off talking about the TRUE gift of Christmas.
The house was full of people which we of course love, and it was Sunday. Church would start at 9:00 AM which is awesome, except on Christmas morning. We had to do a little Christmas, get ready for church, eat some breakfast and get to church early enough to have enough seats for all of us! So we were off.
We started our morning off talking about the TRUE gift of Christmas.
We brought our now filled manger of service, and talked about service and the gifts we give the Savior and others. Lucas even picked up the baby Jesus and said Jesus!

Lucas didn’t really know what it was all about, but he was happy to be in the fray, and sitting on Dad.
We had been up a little bit late the night before, so Karl and I were having a tough time getting going.
We tried to get a picture of the kids on the stairs before they went down to open gifts.
Mirah waited while Lucas got a fresh diaper.
“Waiting is hard mom.”
Now one of both of them!
Got it! 😉
First we checked to see if Santa found our cookies!
He did!
“He drank the milk too! And the carrots are almost all gone!”
Finally out to the Christmas tree!
Santa had brought Mirah and Lucas a wooden train!
Opening stockings.
Mirah was excited to get just what she asked for!
We quickly got going and dressed and fed and ready to go!
Chruch was lovely. The music was beautiful, and the kids were crazy.
It was a WHITE Christmas. It had snowed 6 inches in Orem OVERNIGHT.
Here are Maryn and Theo out in the back.
Maryn and KP taking pictures.
Opening gifts commenced.
Grandma and Grandpa were as always SO generous.
The found this Spiderman Hammer from the Flea market in Calexico.
Lucas LOVED it.
“Got you!”
Lucas also got this amazing rocket ship. That was one of the fun things about his this Christmas. Every new gift was SO exciting to him. It was really cute to watch.
He couldn’t even get off of it long enough to take it out of the box.
Mirah was up next.
The baby doll she had asked for!
She was so happy! And cute in her church dress. We got a cute dress at Costco that came with a dress for her dolly. Twins!
Krystin sweetly got dad a Bad Robot shirt, which he had asked for LAST year.
Dad got me a sleeping bag. Mom got me a hammock. Amoung MANY other things.
Mirah’s grandparents Pipkin and Hite just got her so many nice things.
The presents seemed to go on and on! So many wonderful gifts.
This amazing watch from Karl. He loves me.
After all of those gifts, we were pooped. And grateful.
Here are Mirah and I talking all about it.
We had a VERY merry Christmas of gifts.