Lucas refused to wear his hat.
The kids were already excited about the baby chickens.
We walked over to see the ducks.
And the peafowl.
We waited in a long line to ride the ponies.
And after a long wait it was our turn!
Judah was LOVING it!
Look at that smile!!
Mirah watched them go around for their turn.
While I watched these little ladies.
And this little cutie pie!
Mirah got on this pretty little pony and she wasn’t too sure about it.
She was able to muster a smile.
Then we got going…
And she loved it.
As Lucas and the boys watched us.
One of the moms watching their kids offered to take a picture for us this time around.
Mirah refused to let go of my hand. She was really nervous.
But SOOO cute.
After the ride, we went to feed the chickens. As always Aunt Malia was to the rescue and bought all the kids some feed with her many quarters.
Mirah was really excited.
But Judah was THE MOST excited.
Thanks sweet Aunt Malia.
The kids were ready to play!!
They had these cute little houses to play in.
After that, I took the boys and my kids on the horse cart ride.
Mirah wouldn’t look at me.
1 out of 3 ain’t bad.
Ok this time just me.
Lucas was reaching the end of his rope.
But these kids were enjoying the ride.
We finished our ride and found these little ladies waiting for us.
We called it a day, going our separate ways for lunch, and on to home for nap time.
Looking forward to many more adventures this summer together!