Garden Accomplished!!!

Well, it finally happened, I planted my garden. Yes, the first week in June is a little late in the season, but I did it!  
We had arranged for a truck load of horse poop compost to be dropped off at the house on Wednesday evening. While we waited to for them to arrive, I set the girls to work playing a game that Karl calls, “The Pine Cone Derby”
I gave each of them a grocery bag and said, 
“Whoever gets the most pinecones…wins!”
Between the two of them they filled close to 6 bags!
They filled our yard waste can! 
Just in time for our compost to arrive!!!
That is Chelsea Best. She and I worked together at Heritage for years. She runs the horses program there now, and she was SO sweet to drop off all of this poop for me! 
We left the pile there for the night and went to the temple. 
The next day right after work, Karl set to the task of scooping the poop and dumping it into the garden boxes. Here he is duel wheedling shovels. 
After working for a while the Weblos arrived and were so cute to help us scoop up the poop. 
We finished one box by the time their meeting started. 
I was able to tarp it, and plant all of my tomatoes and some onions before they left. 
Karl finished up afterwards with the other. 
I am going to put some basil and broccoli and maybe greenbeans in this one. 
My other box is doing very well. I already have some tomatoes! 

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