Ahhh, Spanish fork Utah in the fall! Tuesday afternoon was beautiful. Karl, Me, Leah and Branny headed out to the pumkin patch. We arrived and were greeted by this lovely red head…
Her name was Emily (but doesn’t she look exactly like Smallie??!!) She handed each of us a pair of garden clippers.
“3 dollars for the big ones, 2 dollars for the small ones, on anything you can pick. ” And we were off! All of us bolted into the huge field of pumpkins. As we ran into the field an old lady sitting on a hay bale yelled after us, “NO smashing pumpkins!” It was like a romp back to my childhood. I started last and by the time I caught up to the group Karl and Branny had already found the most enormous pumpkins in the field.
These, of course were our first selections…and we had run to the far end of the field, and they were so heavy, we had to leave these monster pumpkins behind us, for the time being.
There were little pumpkins in bunches all over the place. Looking down, walking gingerly trying not to smash any of them was a challenge. As the paths became less defined and the vines more entangled, it was sometimes impossible to miss these little guys. You would hear a crunch under your foot and grimace at the sound.
Branny and Leah search far and wide for the best pumpkins. Their diligance was rewarded when branny found this:
Emily the pumpkin seller/ Smallie look alike, was actually shocked at this one. She had never seen one like this before.
These little ones were 3 for a dollar. I of course got a bunch. My favorite one is the white one. It looked just like a pac man ghost. Karl thought that it was hidious.
oh miss you guys. OK so that face karl made with the clippers, i can just hear him say “what up snukca!” hahaha oh karl. and that does look like a pac man ghost!! and brandon had too much fun it looks like haha oh man i miss you guys.
Another great picture story. You guys have just too much fun. I thought Emily was Smillie.