So, we got our selves a tiny wading pool. It cost $10.
At Mirah’s 3 yr doc appointment the doctor warned against the evils and dangers of wading pools, so I am SUPER paranoid about it. Still with the weather warming up Mirah wants to be in her bathing suit at all times.
So the other night we all went out and sat with our feet in the pool. We have a good backyard for the summer. Lots of shade in the evenings. Mirah splashed around while Karl and I geeked out talking about our favorite summer show-Wayward Pines.
Karl had read a spoiler that day and was DYING to tell me.
Mirah thought dad was being silly.
She still gets cold so quickly, and Karl gives the warmest hugs.
Mirah felt warmer…Karl got all wet.
It has proved to be big enough for Karen to Play in too.
Well…sort of. The water is still cold, and is chilly to sit it.
It is always fun to come inside and snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie after spending time in the sun.
Watching Kiki and having snacks.