Besty’s B-Day

Happy Happy Birthday Betsy Dear!
To celebrate we all met up for lunch at what I think is one of Betsy’s favorite places…(she didn’t tell me otherwise) SMASH BURGER!
Karl and I got off some time for work, and the kids all came along!
(Yes, Karl is one of the kids. 😉 )
I just love these little boys. LOVE.
This picture shows Besty’s love for her boys, and their undying love for her. 
I don’t know if you can tell here, but they just wanted to sit as close to her as possible. Both of them, at the same time. They were shoving her out of her seat, with their love. 
Mirah on the other hand was missing her nap, and wanting to sleep.
Karl wanting to eat.
A couple of times today he mentioned to me how much he enjoyed his burger. He said, 
“Allison- That was an effing good burger.”
Once Mirah’s food arrived, her mood improved. 
Seating arranged, food arrived, all smiles. 

We had some technical difficulties with trying to light the candles on her cup cakes. We were sitting right under a fan, and then every time the door opened…but we did it! 
The frosting was…brightly colored. 
Mirah didn’t seem to mind. 
Asher wanted a Red cupcake.
Judah of course wanted pink. 
Mirah would take anything that was connected to cake. Or once had cake touching it. 


Fun times. Outings with kids are always totally unpredictable.
You never know what might happen. As long as you keep it around an hour or less you are usually safe. The kids were all mostly well behaved. Still the later it got, the clearer they made it to us that we needed to leave.

Nick gave Karl a ride back to work, and Betsy and I took our kids home. 

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