First Day of Preschool

Big ol’ back pack. 
First day of Preschool!!!
Mirah was so excited to go to school! 
We got there, and since we had already been there she knew just where to leave her bag…
Where her room is…
And of course where the toys are. 
Mirah checked into class by putting her book up. 
She then had a seat and got busy. 

I helped her get her name tag on. 
She was starting to get nervous. As I left she told me that she didn’t want to miss me. I waved goodbye. And went to my car and cried. 
Flash forward 3 hours:
We were waiting by the door. 
Her teacher Mrs. Viki came to the door and called the kids to come and meet their parents. 
Mirah was all ready to go. 
Her teacher handed her a treat, we gabbed her bag and headed to the door. 

I promised Mirah we could go out to lunch after school. She wanted to go to Chic Fillet. 
We got to the parking lot and she was so excited, she wanted to tell me all about it as soon as the car was stopped. 
Here she is telling us all about it in her own words.
I hope she is loving it. She seemed to. 

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