Last night was the Legacy Apartments Annual Christmas extravaganza!!!
We all met up for dinner here:
Pool Camille had kidney stones. Not to metion she JUST got her wisdom teeth out on Monday. POOR kid. So no Anthony and Camille. 🙁
We did have:
Our bosses. Marc and Jill.
Great people and as you will see a ton of fun and super kind and generous.
Chelsea and Scott. Mom and Dad to Mirah’s current BFF Cormac. Mirah will wake up from her naps asking for Cormac. All the kids are sick right now, so we are really missing him.
Daren and Sydney. Also good friends. Karl and Daren serve in Young Men’s together. We also swap babysitting. Their little girl Sarina is a couple months younger than Mirah and is SO cute.
Really, we love all of the managers we work with. We all have a fun time together.
Then there is us.
Good times.
Japanese grills are so much fun.
I mean, look at this guy!
After dinner, we headed back to Mark and Jill’s place for games and the gift exchange.
We played “The Price Is Right.”
There were 4 Rounds
We won the first round and played a game called Hi Lo Put or something like that.
We were given seven items and had to put them in the right order.
Then we had to line them up. We would be able to putt into a cup from the line that we missed on.
We got them all right, so Karl was able to putt right next to the cup!
We won it all!
Chelsea and Scott won the next!
Daren and Sydney won the last round.
Everyone won their games.
Then the showcase showdown!
We won the first showcase!
Two camping chairs and this SWEET roller cooler!
The second showcase went to Scott and Chelsea. A great set of movies and popcorn with a comfy through.
Then the gift exchange.
My gift:
I had to ask? Is this a fat joke? No, just an awesome way to eat milk and cookies. Courtesy of Chelsea. Thanks, I love it!
Marc had Scott and gave him a “Bishop’s Distraction.” AKA a helicopter. Scott had Daren, and got him…a Helicopter!
Sydney had Jill and got her a giftcard for movies and movie snacks. Jill had Sydney and got her movies with movie snacks!
Anthony had Karl, and since I helped them get the gift for him, I was able to give it to him, for them at the party. Can you guess what it was?
Yes it was a new head lamp that he spent the rest of the party shining in our eyes.
Daren had Marc, and made him this amazing Harley-Davidson sign. Daren is a drafter, and a talented artist. Cool.
We ended the night with Jill’s famous raspberry crumble dessert. SO goot.
We even at it with gold plated utensils.
After the party we went by to see Camille. Jill and Marc were so sweet to have us play a game for them. We brought them their prizes, gifts and even a generous helping of dessert that Jill sent along with us. She seemed to be very uncomfortable, but in good spirits.
Thanks to Marc and Jill for a wonderful night and tons of fun!
Our jobs and the people we work with is one of the things this Christmas that we are most thankful for.