Sunday Family Fun Day

Sunday is a fun day.
A day to go to church and rest and be together.
Mirah, looking cute at church.

 I am serving in Primary right now and it is always SO cute to see Mirah get picked to help during music time.

I couldn’t help myself, I had to take a picture! She was just so cute!

Chelsea and Adam had just arrived home from their summer trip to Thailand  and Vietnam and everyone was excited so see them and hear all about their trip!

We had all missed them! So we had a family dinner at our house to celebrate their return.

The kids had missed their uncle Adam.

We  Bhan Mi sandwiches for dinner, in honor of their Vietnam leg of the journey.
Karl was the cook, so they were delicious.

I think that Reese agreed.


Poor Cam, he had to read all the labels and eat things in a different arrangement.  But there was tons of pork and a big salad for him to work with.

We had bought these crazy candies at the Asian market for dessert.

This was a pineapple one. It was…weird.

 I was very happy to have my sister home!

 We ended up in the yard after dinner. The weather was warm and there was lots of shade and places to relax and talk.

We had recently bought these air bag seat things. They are only okay, as I am sure you can tell by Karl’s face.

Baby Reesey was happy to be outside playing with water.

 Family PILE!

 Lukey and Uncle Adam.

 It was getting late so it was time to say goodbye.

Kids lining up, trying to pose for a picture.

 Almost got one.

 Goodbyes to cam and Kelly and the kids.

As I walked back in I was met with this funny scene.

Swaying sisters. Together again.

Sweet Aunt Belle, excited to put the babies to bed again.

 Sunday Fun Day.

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