Yes, yes, it has been a month. Now I can see that some may think that my lack of blog might have been caused by lack of things going on, not the case. Too much has been happening, and I just haven’t wanted to do it. So, to repent of my lazy way I will do a quick catch up and check in on the things that happened since Easter.
April 6th
Brandon’s 25th birthday. We went out to dinner and had some amazing cake:
Leah is the cake master. We went to this great Thai place in Orem called Thai Chilli Garden. Then we headed back to our place. I saw we, meaning Brandon, Leah, and me. You see, on the 5th, Karl flew out to Portland for an interview. It was for this great Job at a consulting company…two weeks later we found out he didn’t get it. (Another one of the reasons I haven’t blogged lately. It has been a rough month.)
April 9th
The Presidents Senior Celebration. Tons of gross food, and free stuff. It was alright…I got to hold a boa constrictor.
April 16th
A number of things were going on this day. First, we started the garden. We racked and made rows and planted a few of our plants.
Next was that my little sis, Krystin was in town. She had been since that Tuesday. It was really great to see her.
We played uks and watched movies. It was a really great time.
April 17th
Early Saturday morning, after many failef attempts to find other races to run…we left to run the 5k connected to the Salt Lake City Marathon. The weather was nice, but both Krysta and I were feeling really sick. We decided that we were going to walk most of this one.
with a half hour until our race started, and an exit or two to go, we came to a sudden stop. We had a flat tire. UUGGH!
We finally arrived 10 minutes after the race had started. The entrance fee was $40.00, way more than we usually pay. We were hoping that we could get a refund because of special circumstances, but no. The rude, snide, jerky old man that met us at the gate told us to get started. We were less than pleased.
Once we got going though, the endorphins started flowing, and our attitudes got better, it was an awesome corse. Down south temple, sand state street. Even though we were so late, we weren’t that fare from the pack, and we weren’t even the last people to finish! Which was great!
It really was a beautiful spring day!
We lay it all out in this Video.
April 22nd & 23rd
Karl’s Graduation
You may not be able to tell from the look on his face, but he was ecstatic to finally be graduating from college. He worked really hard…he deserves to smile. Congratulations Karl!
Another great thing about such an event is all the awesome family that rolls in:
NITSY! Yeah they totally came…just for Karl. 🙂
Karl’s mom and dad came of course.
Karl’s mom and dad of course were there…Looking great!
The of course Grandma Neal came.
The event was HUGE. The Marriott Center was filled and the ceremonies that over the next couple of days were demanding.

You see, my little brother Brandon Graduated too! Therefore my Parents were in town as well.
April 24th
Boopy and The Professor’s Wedding
(Jon and Rachel)
As if the weekend wasn’t already busy enough, there was a wedding too!

Boopy is Betsy’s, Husband Nick’s, little brother. This was the other reason that they were coming up! It was at the Jordan River Temple, and the day was gorgeous. The ceremony was so sweet, and they both looked so happy.
Cute shot of us!
Later that afternoon, we drove back to Provo, and all went on a walk around BYU campus.
I got some really cool pictures:
Mom, Belle, and Dad. I think they are telling her about how things used to be.
I don’t know why I love the picture below so much. I think it is the stance my dad is taking, or the fact that Brandon it sitting in the gutter with one sock on…I just love it.
We walked around, enjoying the science building, past where mom used to work (the testing center). Here we could see the Y in the distance.
It was one of those afternoons I would think about fondly forever. I loving having my parents in town. I just wish they lived closer.
May 5th
Happy Cinco De Mayo
Karl sent out these pictures
bud dam ba chee…
Karen and I were all bundled up for the bike ride. We had mariachi music and the bikes out for another jaunt with the soul cycle.
It was worth the wait.
That was a fun but exhausting weekend. Miss you already!
Good gracious! Karl where did you get that Praise to the Man shirt?! Bomb!
Dude, remember that mean old man! No biggy we cause it did end up being super duper awesome. Love ya and can't wait for this weekend!
You're right, it was a month! I'm so glad that we got to be a small part of it. It was a month full of family, the blood kind and all the rest. It makes me so grateful for the whole big extended family!
oh my gosh you guys are so rad! i loove the picture of you next to your garden and you're looking sideways with your raybans on. It should be in like, a hipster gardening magazine.
wait that wasn't wendy that last comment was belle. I forgot to change my identity…