Every six months we get together and listen to to words of the living prophets. We like to have a good time too. So good times and good food are often synonymous. I didn’t realize until I got all of the pictures of the weekend together that we really ate a ton of food.
On Saturday morning Branny was coming over. I thought of something that I knew he would love:
After eating to our hearts content we settled in and listened to conference. New temple in Japan!
After 4-6 hours of meetings on Saturday and a good nights sleep we were ripped ready for another full day of it. My little sister Krystin came over with some friends this time, so we decided to make something awesome.
Krystin brought THREE pounds of bacon.
We topped it all off with some eggs cooked in the leftover bacon grease and we were both on our way to premature heart disease.
Conference started and we all got right into it.
Man I wish we could have been there. But we just probably wouldn't fit in since we don't have anyone with Red hair 🙁 Remember that time we went to Costco and Ren saw a little girl with red hair and said "Pippi!" Ya it was awesome!
Look at all those cute redheads! They must have a really adorable mother. Definitely! Smallie too. It looks like you had a blast. I really miss you guys, but I'm glad that you got together.