I work at a residential treatment center call Heritage. It is the hardest job I have ever had. I can really say that because I have worked some pretty CRAPY jobs. Food 4 Less was probably the WORST job I ever had. The BYU-I mail department I had the worst boss, but the funnest job. The Book Nook was my first Job, with the best bosses I have ever had. The list goes on and on. Heritage though, it is the HARDEST and most stressful work I have ever done. It feels like it is important, and the girls with their array of disorders and challenges make it very difficult. Having great coworkers makes the work do-able. Last week I had to say farewell to one of them. Camille is moving on from us, and moving on to bigger and better things. We went out to Tai Ruby to Celebrate her move.
These are some of the girls I work with a Heritage Schools, Inc. Me, Camille, Claire and Jennifer. (Funny story about Jennifer, she is dating Karl’s old mission companion Randy.)
Mamie, Julia, and Brittany(who is Camille’s replacement) who were unable to attend our little get together are also awesome girls I work with.
Claire was very mad that Camille is leaving us.
No, she is just posing for the camera. However, she really was mad a Camille here:
She is doing her defensive robot chop that we learned when we all did CPI (safety hold) training together. Why you might ask? It is very simple. Claire is addicted to…
Cayenne pepper. She puts is on everything in very liberal amounts. From pizza to Tai food. She is see here with Camille’s purse trying to find something she likes to wave in front of her. She eventually dug up her cell phone, but by then the food had come and we gave Claire her Cayenne pepper back.
Looks like you have some really nice girls to work with. You're right, good coworkers can make a job enjoyable. What is that about Jennifer and Randy? Was it a coincidence, or was there match making involved?
Karl's mission pic = pretty much best picture ever.