The Best of Times, and the Worst of Times

We made it. Karl and I survived our first weekend apart from each other. What in the world would separate a love like ours? These people:

Brandon and Leah Pipkin

Zach and Danielle Hite

YES. That is right, our brothers got married on the same day. This is why it was the best of times and the worst of times: Everyone loves a wedding, and no one likes to miss one. I can only report on what I have personally experienced. So the pictures on my blog will be from my brothers wedding. Karl will post stuff from Zach’s wedding on his blog…See the link on the left side of the blog, labeled Karl.

To be honest, I was pretty miserable the whole weekend. My mom keeps telling me to focus on the positive, so rather than reherse all the horrible things I had to do and work through this weekend, I will focus on the happy times,

my little brothers wedding.

We were all together for the first time since before my mission! It was so wonderful! Mom and Dad even stayed an extra night to be with all of us longer.

I was with my wonderful mother!
My stellar and supportive dad, always a treat to see.

My hot but geeky little sisters.

Maryn and her AWESOME bangs. And jewelry!
Lionel and Randell’s walk off. Lionel won, obviously!

Seeing my wonderful dad! Also seeing him in a matching tie! (The man on the left is Leah’s dad, Ron Reigns, the inventor of the snickers ice cream bar.) I just love my dad! It was so good to be with him!

Sisters…yes brandon and leah have red hair on both sides…their kids are doomed!
and of course…a new sister! Leah, Welcome to our family!

4 thoughts on “The Best of Times, and the Worst of Times

  1. You all look beautiful! I just adore you and your family. Of course we missed you at Z&D's, but I daresay that in a few years you'll have gotten over that tolerably well. Congrats to B&L.

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