As my mother constantly, and lovingly reminds me, one of the greatest blessings of serving a mission is the life long comrades you meet there. My mission friends are some of the best friends of my young life. They will come effortlessly into and maybe out of my life, but they are always welcome. We try to get together as often as we can. One such gathering was today! Albanian night! We decided to get together and make the food of our missions! The guests in the party included:
Shena my Switzer! (Shout out to Smallie)
Mire sa na erdhet!
She brought some delicious qeras- ing candy!
(In Albania the tradition is to greet your guests with a qeras, which is a treat of some sort, sometimes candy, Turkish delights, a cookie, fruit, etc. They will often bring it out on a platter or in a special bowl they use for nothing else.)
The great thing about this dish is that it was Switzy’s first time making fasule. AND she made it in her new crock pot Smallie and I got her for her birthday! It turned out so good. The beans were tender and the seasoning was perfect!
Then there was…
Zach, Krysta, (the former Motra Cox), and the lovely Renchkin!
Oh my gosh, never have me be so obsessed with someone else’s baby!!! But I just lover her!!!
The Whitmores brought…..Sweet Salad Greke!
Or Greek Salad. Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Olive Oil and Feta! Sometimes made with green olives and onion, this salad is an appetizer at restaurants and homes in Albania.
It was with Krysta, then Motra Cox, that I first fell in love with Albanian White Cheese. Feta is its closest comparison, but it just isn’t quite the same to me. On the mission, Krysta and I would eat white cheese and Coka Light during our nightly planning. It was AWESOME!
Finally our last guests were…
Amy and Andrew (not pictured here) Cheny.
Amy is modeling one of our dishes for the night, Karl’s favorite, the Suflace!
A Greek flat bread, with salas kos, tomato, lettuce, seasoned pork, and fires on top. (We forgot to buy fries so we had to use what we had…tater tots.) This is Karl’s favorite Albanian meal. We make if often and love to invite people over to enjoy it.
Last but not least…
What Albanian dinner would be complete with out baklava!
At holiday time in Albania we would eat…3-5 pieces this size or bigger a day. By the end of my mission…I couldn’t eat it. But tonight I loved it. It wasn’t quite the same, but nothing ever is.
You are an amazing photographer! Those pictures rocked and you are so wonderful! The food was deliscious and it was so so fun. More Albanian food please. Never stop taking pictures of Ren, so wonderful! You are the bestest hostess. You are the hostess with the MOSTEST.
I simply love your blog! I have it on my google reader so I never miss a thing. How wonderful that you keep in contact with your mission sisters! And the food. . . yum! You are currently my favorite daughter-in-law. . . favorite in-law period! (I guess I can’t say that for long! Danielle becomes legally ours in 5 days!) We love and miss you and your big lug of a husband!!!
Mamacita Hite
Looking forward to seeing you both the end of the week. Hopefully there will be children attending the wedding festivities with whom I may share comradeship since Karl thinks I have not yet “grown up.” It is a misnomer I work hard to maintain.
How fun! I’m so glad you guys got to indulge in Albanian goodness. I’m super jealous that you get to see each other all the time. Plus you know how horrible of a cook I am, so I could never make an Albanian party on my own. Love you, moj!
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