It was Sunday, and it was a day we had planned on being home together as much as possible. Lucas and Simon…of Simon. What sweet set of boys.

Adam and Belle were busy for a moment, and we all tried to distract him with a video on Mirah’s Twablet. It worked…when Mirah was holding it. (Twablet is a Tween Tablet.)

The EVER talented Karl made pork fillets. Adam and Belle didn’t have a mallet. So Karl used the bottom of a glass.

While he got busy pounding and marinating the pork for dinner, Mirah and I got busy eating out Zapp’s Chips.

After watching church, the we all gathered in the front room to watch Luca. The kids loved it.

After the movie and Lunch, we went over to Belle’s favorite spot, The Creek.

I mean, she not wrong. What a lovely place.

We did a little wading and dipping.

The kids LOVED it. And it took NO times to get all the way in and have a blast.


Then the rock skipping started and things really popped off!

No one was looking at Simon for 15 seconds and that was all it took for him to start to try and eat rock s and put on everyone else’s hats.

Meanwhile Mirah and Lucas were still living their best lives and loving the cool water on the HOT and HUMID summer day.

Adam, Belle, and Simon left ahead of us. Adam had a softball game at the school with his cohort to get to and so we slowly followed them.

The field was right on campus so we were able to see where Adam went to school. We met Belle and Simon in the parking lot and headed over to the game.

The kids “helping” It was tense.
Adam’s team is the PA school. They were playing the Pharmacology department.

We met Reggie, and Ruby got to wear a hat to beat the sun and heat.


The heat was getting oppressively, so the kids found a gazebo to cool off in. Simon wanted to eat more dirt.

Yum yum yum yum….

Adam’s team won! IT was actually a really good game.

Back at the house, we were getting dinner make, and Simon was happy to eat Vermicelli.

Dinner was fried pork chop rice paper wraps.

Again, Karl did an awesome job. Everything was SO good.
Reggie, Adam’s class mate and friend and Belle’s BFF.

After dinner we lit off some fireworks.

We did sparklers, and Reggie was here for it.

It only took Simon a few minutes to burn his perfect hand.

Lucas was living his best life.

We were in bed, ready to sleep, when Adam called and said-“Fire Flies TIME!!”

I explain it here:
We were able to catch one…that then died…and we did experiments with.

When we got in, Belle was watching her friends Live, on Youtube. We were asleep pretty quickly.